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tell me that you love them all
Not sure what you’re in the mood for? Are you reading through our coffee selections and thinking “they all sound good!”? Well there is a solution!
We created the Sparkplug Coffee Sampler so you can try them all. It puts together generous 200 g bags (almost 1/2 lb. for you old school peeps) of our 3 signature blends plus the current feature coffee. That’s 800 g of coffee altogether - almost 2 pounds and enough of each to get a good sense of how you like each one.
Try and compare:
try the Coffee Sampler and find the blend you love most
Globetrotter - our darker roast, espresso-style blend coffee, very popular for french press and for refillable k-cups, too.
Kick Start - a medium roast blend that makes an amazing brew.
Road Trip - we call it a City Roast blend, on the lighter side of medium, built around a wonderful Ethiopian bean.
A feature coffee - changed up every few weeks, we search for interesting beans to share with you. Often it’s a small lot, special purchase that is only available to us for a short time. Sometimes it is a single-origin coffee (from one country or even one farm) or a blend of two or three special beans.
Of course, we are happy to grind for your coffeemaker or send whole bean so you can grind it yourself.