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FAQs & Tips

Single Origin Coffee vs Blends - why Blended Coffee is Best

Single Origin Coffee vs Blends - why Blended Coffee is Best

Common Questions Answered & A Buyer-Beware Tip

While there are some wonderful single origins out there, we here at Sparkplug aren’t afraid to get controversial by saying, in a debate between single origin coffee vs blends, we’re pro blend. Every time.

DARK ROAST COFFEE - The Ultimate Guide

DARK ROAST COFFEE - The Ultimate Guide

Do you love smoky and rich coffee? Do you think bitterness in your coffee is a good thing? Or are you not sure what a dark roast even is?

Our Prices Have Changed - Here's the Scoop

Our Prices Have Changed - Here's the Scoop


Recently, we took a look at our prices and made the decision overhaul our pricing structure to make sure you get the best value possible, while also covering our costs and a little profit.

Many prices went up, some stayed the same, some went down (really!!). 

There is now a bigger savings for Autopilot Coffee Club members vs buying a la carte, a bigger price difference between standard and large bags, and a deal for buying more than one bag of coffee at a time.

Shipping News - Canada Post Strike (Updated)

Shipping News - Canada Post Strike (Updated)

Fresh Coffee by mail… or bicycle, or Vespa, or courier, or on foot…

No worries, despite the Canada Post strike, the coffee will get through! With only a couple of exceptions…

(click on the title to read on)

Support Small Business - the Best Christmas Gifts for 2024

Support Small Business - the Best Christmas Gifts for 2024

Christmas Gift Guide: Great Stuff From Cool Women

To help you with your holiday shopping, we palled up with 6 of our Canadian entrepreneur friends. Each of us picked a couple items that are guaranteed to make a mama smile and solve your holiday shopping dilemma.

All of these gift ideas are available online and are from women-owned Canadian small businesses. Yup, that includes our store, too!

In alphabetical order, shipping to you from coast to coast, here is our Christmas Gift Guide...

Happy International Coffee Day 2024!

A Day to Celebrate Coffee!

Yes, I know, isn't EVERY day Coffee Day? But October 1st is International Coffee Day - a day for everyone around the world to celebrate and enjoy our favo(u)rite beverage.

(click on the title to read on)

Wake Up Your Burgers

Wake Up Your Burgers

Coffee Spice Rub Recipe

Wake up your burgers with this delicious coffee spice rub. It is delicious for burgers, chicken, mushrooms, pretty much anything you throw on the grill.

The GIFT GUIDE you'll use for everything & everyone!

The GIFT GUIDE you'll use for everything & everyone!

Searching for the perfect gift?

The stars aligned and helped us map out the best gifts for the entire year, no matter what the occasion is.

Let us help guide you towards the perfect gift!

All of these gift ideas are available online and are from women-owned Canadian businesses. Yup, that includes Sparkplug, of course!