A New Year & A New Feature Coffee

Fireside Blend

Happy 2015! The new year seems like the perfect time to announce our new feature coffee: the Fireside Blend.

Based on a dark and delicious coffee from Sumatra, Indonesia, the Fireside Blend will warm you up on these cold January days. 

The rainforests of the northern Sumatran highlands produce wonderful coffees with earthy, smoky characteristics that subtly evoke some of the same tastes as mulled wine - clove, dried fruit, maybe even a bit of pepper.

The beans in our Fireside Blend are naturally processed - the whole coffee cherry is dried in the sun before the fruit is removed. The natural process (also known as the "dry process") can be tricky to get right. While it is drying, the crop is carefully monitored to make sure it doesn't over ferment. The payoff is a coffee with amazing flavour and aroma baked in from its time in the sun. Click here to give it a try

Cheers to the New Year! May yours be filled with happiness and great coffee!

Mods & Rockers 2014


50 Years since Brighton Beach

Sparkplug Coffee was honoured to be part of the 2014 Mods & Rockers event, bringing fresh brewed coffee to the start of the group ride. What coffees? The Bullit Custom and Kick Start blends, of course!

Sweet ride!

Sweet ride!

Party at the Duke

We then shared a booth with our buddies from Bullit Custom Cycle in the rain at the Duke for the "show & shine". Very cool that a bike built by Rob from Bullit was awarded best in show.

Amazing bikes, a great day, despite the rainy afternoon!

Best wishes for an Amazing 2014 from Sparkplug Coffee!

Looking forward to 2014!

What are your plans for the New Year?

Mine are to continue introducing people to Sparkplug Coffee in 2014. And, hopefully, to inspire others to treat themselves to amazing coffee at home - every day!

Your help in spreading the word about Sparkplug Coffee is greatly appreciated! Please send your friends to SparkplugCoffee.com, sign up for our email news, follow @SparkplugCoffee on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Best of all - share your photos of Sparkplug Coffee at home or in the office! Like this one from friends E&B in Toronto: ice cream made with the Sparkplug Coffee Ugly Christmas Sweater blend. Delicious!

Best wishes for a wonderful New Year, filled with amazing coffee, good health, and fun times for you and all your loved ones...
Kara, Sparkplug Coffee 

Sparkplug Coffee Ugly Christmas Sweater blend flavoured ice cream. Yum!

Sparkplug Coffee Ugly Christmas Sweater blend flavoured ice cream. Yum!

Merry Ugly Christmas Sweater Day!

Sparkplug Coffee Back at the Artisans Gift Fair

Sparkplug Coffee will be back at The Artisans' Gift Fair on Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 21 & 22 with FRESH roasted coffee and some nice coffee makers. Perfect for a cup at home or at work. Come by and say hello! Noon to 6PM at the Tranzac Club (292 Brunswick St. in the Annex). Lots of other great gift options at the Gift Fair, too! 

We'll have another batch of the UGLY Christmas Sweater blend available as well as buttons for $5 - proceeds to the Childrens' Wish Foundation via Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Which is today - the 3rd Friday in December - but you can wear your ugly Christmas sweater and your buttons all month! And Do Good all next year, too.

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Sparkplug Coffee now available!

Hello Coffee Lover!

I am pleased to announce that...

Sparkplug Coffee Debuted at the Artisans Gift Fair

We had a great time at the 2013 Artisans Gift Fair & Christmas Craft Show. The coffee was well received and we sold jars and bags of the three current coffee blends (Dark Sparks, Winter Tuneup and the gingery spicy Ugly Christmas Sweater blend) - even to people we'd never met before. Though I really appreciated the support and encouragement from friends and family who came by, too!

I'll be back at the Artisans Gift Fair the last weekend before Christmas - one more chance for those of you in Toronto to pick up some coffee or a gift certificate before Christmas. Come by between noon and 6PM on December 21 & 22 at the Tranzac Club (292 Brunswick St. just south of Bloor). I'll have some great coffee gift bundles, too!

Call or Email for Mail Orders

I've been working on it but the website is still not up and ready to take orders. So if you'd like coffee shipped to you or a friend
Call me at 647.479.2897 or
Email to sparky@sparkplugcoffee.com
and we'll get something in the mail to you within a couple days.

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