The Roadside Attraction Coffee Series
Join us on our virtual road trip to cool and quirky Canadian roadside attractions!
The names and logos of these Limited Edition coffees are inspired by giant sculptures found across the country.
We visit a new destination every 6 - 8 weeks. Don’t miss any - follow us in your inbox to the next Roadside Attraction!
January 2025: The O.J.
Montreal’s Giant Orange
The original giant orange, Montreal’s Gibeau Orange Julep is 60 years old !!
Hermas Gibeau began selling the orange julep drinks at fairs and markets, and opened his first restaurant in the 1930s. He grew his business into a regional fast food chain and, in 1945, made the bold move to build a restaurant in the shape of a giant orange.
There were a few giant orange restaurants built but the biggest and most fabulous was the one built next to Decarie Blvd. Now the only remaining orange shaped Orange Julep, it was built in 1964 - it is 60 years old! And it is still serving up orange juleps, hot dogs, burgers, and other classic fare next to Decarie Blvd in Montreal.
The days of carhops on roller skates and classic car nights are gone but it’s still worth a stop for a photo and a Michigan Trio when you’re in Montreal.
The O.J. Limited Edition coffee
photo courtesy of Mark Beauchamp - Sparkplug friend & coffee lover
The O.J. Coffee
Perfect for winter, this blend of coffees from Latin America and Ethiopia makes me think of a mocha with its hints of sweet chocolate and cinnamon.
Featuring Montreal’s iconic giant Gibeau O. J. (Orange Julep) on its label.
We love making THE O.J. in a french press or as espresso for a full-bodied, rich coffee.
Seasonal Coffee Selections
Each coffee in the Roadside Attraction Coffee Series is a limited edition blend (our seasonal selection) made of premium coffees roasted in Toronto and delivered to your coffeemaker.
We’ll fill you in on the specific coffee sources and roast level as they are released. The beans that go into the Roadside Attraction Series may be a single-origin (from one country or even part of a small lot from one farm) or a blend of special beans from a couple places.
What makes a coffee extra special?
Good question! For the Roadside Attraction seasonal coffees, we are looking for:
Delicious (of course!)
Coffee from a country or region that you don’t often get to try - places like Congo, El Salvador, and India!
Different styles of coffee - honey processed, natural processed or other interesting ways that the coffee has been grown or processed that give it a different taste
One thing is for sure, each one is a limited edition. It's only around for a few weeks so try it out while you can!
Drink up & dream of YOUR next road trip!
We are always on the lookout for extra special coffees and grab one as soon as we find it, so we can bring it to you! Be first to know about a new coffee - join our email list here:
Here are our travels so far this year
November 2024: Tin Soldier
New Westminster, BC
Our friend Trudy showing just how tall this guy is!
The World’s Tallest Tin Soldier on our coffee label is found in New Westminster, BC, right next to the Fraser River at the foot of Columbia Street.
This cute and enormous fellow is almost 10 meters tall and weighs 4540 kg. He’s been here at the New West Quay for over 20 years and still looks very dapper.
Tin Soldier: the Coffee
Sumatra + South America. This organic medium roast blend of coffees will warm you up with its earthy dark chocolate mixed with hints of sweet-tart dried cranberries. We love making TIN SOLDIER as a pour over / filter coffee though it is also fabulous as espresso.
Send Us Your Fave Roadside Attractions!
We have shortlisted a number but are open to your suggestions. Send them in and tell us WHY it would be a good pick for the Roadside Attractions Coffee Series! Your suggestion has a much better chance of being selected if you share photos of you with it &/or personal stories of why you love it.
Here are some photos of Canadian Roadside Attractions shared with us by Sparkplug coffee lovers. Will one of these be featured in our Roadside Attraction Coffee Series? Stay tuned to find out!

Don’t miss out on our next seasonal coffee and other coffee news: