THE KILDARE seasonal coffee

A Costa Rican honey processed coffee

Next up in our Roadside Attractions Coffee Series is The Kildare!

Similar to previous honey processed coffees we’ve done before (attention everyone who loved last year’s Paradise seasonal coffee…) the Kildare is:

  • A lighter roast, that tastes like coffee with a side of marmalade toast (sweet, syrupy, citrus fruits, orange)

  • Recommended brew method: Pour over - any type from Melitta to Hario to Chemex. And Aeropress, of course!

but WHERE is Kildare?!

We struggled with what to call this one. The giant mailbox is in very rural Prince Edward Island. Is it… Tignish or Kildare …?

We were leaning towards Tignish, but we have it on good authority (from our woman on the ground Tina) that this giant mailbox is based in KILDARE P.E.I !

Road Trip research

We really wanted the Roadside Attractions Coffee Series to reflect what Sparkplug is about and to highlight that we deliver to EVERYWHERE in Canada. Of course, most of our deliveries are by Canada Post. So when we found out P.E.I had a giant mailbox , we thought: how perfect! We deliver to mailboxes of any size - across Canada!

We found this attraction on a must-see list online and needed to know more. So, we called the town and Tina Richard, Recreation Director picked up, and boy did we get the scoop from her!


Turns out…

Tina's husband Bruce built the giant mailbox about 20 years ago for the then-owner. The owner wanted something fun and visible to mark his home so people could find it - it’s very rural and hard to see the house from the road.

The mailbox is made out of an old oil tank - cut and placed it on its side.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually function as a mailbox (too high & it’s been sealed shut), but we still love the visual idea of how many bags of Sparkplug Coffee might fit in it!

Fun fact!

Not only did Tina’s husband make the giant mailbox, Tina’s mom was the next owner of it! She used the property as a beach house for several years and now has sold it on to the lovely new owner, Sherry. Sherry also loves having the giant mailbox as a marker so her friends can find her home.

The Roadside Attraction Coffee Series

The Roadside Attraction series of seasonal coffees celebrates our love for coffee, for road trips, and for Canada by creating limited edition coffees named for and inspired by Canadian Roadside Attractions.

The names and logos of these coffees are inspired by giant sculptures and other quirky and cool attractions that are found across Canada - like Vegreville’s Giant Pysanka and Kenora’s Husky the Muskie.

Every few weeks we bring out a new Roadside Attraction Series coffee. These coffees may be a single-origin (from one country or even part of a small lot from one farm) or a blend of special beans from a couple places.

One thing is for sure, each one is a limited edition. It's only around for a few weeks so try it out while you can!

Enjoy this coffee while you day dream about your next road trip!

See the other places we’ve visited in the Roadside Attraction Coffee Series:

Hear about our next seasonal coffee and other coffee news: